
How to train your cat to use a litter box

how to train your cat to use a litter box

How to train your cat to use a litter box

As a matter of fact, cats instinctively use sand and bury their waste. So, they can use a litter box with a bit of training.

How do you train your cat to use a litter box?

-Choose a litter box and litter

Make sure the box’s height isn’t too high for your cat to get in and the box is big enough for it to stand, turn and dig comfortably. The litter should be a couple of inches deep, too much litter and it’ll be all around the box when the cat digs.

Litter type also plays a big role in your cat using its litter box. Most cats prefer unscented litter but the type is up to you and your cat’s preference. For different types of cat litter you can check our website here


Keep the litter box in a quiet place away from noise and loud household appliances. Never put the box next to the cat’s food and water. You don’t have your toilet in your kitchen, that applies for your cat too.
There should be one litter box per cat and an extra one. In houses with multiple cats, don’t put all the boxes next to each other. Your cats like their privacy and territory.

-Introduce your cat to the box

Place your cat and its litter box in a small room and it should gravitate towards the box after eating or taking a nap. To get your cat used to it, gently place it into the box an hour before and an hour after mealtimes.

-Keep the box clean

No one likes a dirty bathroom. Clean the box daily and wash it once a week.

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